Friday, November 29, 2019

Huck Finn vs Tom Sawyer free essay sample

Huck is more of a simple person, whereas Tom wants to make an adventure into everything he does. Huck having a simple mind does give him the advantage. When Tom comes up with these ridiculous plans Huck could step in and tell Tom about his own plans, but he never does. If the group were to follow through with Huck’s plans, they would not only save time but they would also save the risk of getting caught and getting into trouble. Huck is a shy guy with a simple imagination. He does not have the wild ideas as Tom does. Huck thinks that he is not as bright as Tom because he cannot come up with theses elaborate plans, so he thinks that his plans are stupid, but actually they are better. In this case, simple is better and Huck should have stood up for his ideas. When Tom and Huck tiptoed past Jim while he was in the kitchen, Jim came outside because he heard a noise. We will write a custom essay sample on Huck Finn vs Tom Sawyer or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He says, â€Å"Who dah? † as he walks toward Huck and Tom and stands right between them without knowing (4). Jim sits down and says, â€Å"I’s gwyne to set down here and listen tell I hears it agin† (4). Jim soon falls asleep under a tree that he is laying against. Huck just wanted to get out of there, but Tom wanted to pull a prank before they left. Tom initial plan was â€Å"to tie Jim to the tree for fun,† but Huck said it would be too risky (4). Instead, Tom took three candles, and paid five cents for them as well as putting Jim’s hat on the tree limb right about his head. It is ironic that Tom will pull all of these pranks, but he will not steal. Tom acts as if he was a rough boy, but he will not break the law or the rules. The prank is just the beginning of the many adventures to come. Huck realizes even now that Tom’s idea was not the brightest. Tom could have gotten them both caught, but he doesn’t care because he just wants the adventure. Tom has a group of friends called the â€Å"Tom Sawyer Gang† (5). He then comes up with this elaborate story saying that the gang will keep secrets and if anyone tells, their family will be killed. It is also the first time Tom mentions the books that he has read about robbing, and he tells the gang that they must follow the rules because that is what the books say. Even when Ben Rodgers, from the gang, suggests to killing the victims as soon as they kidnap them, Tom speaks up and says that’s not the â€Å"regular† way to do it â€Å"because it ain’t in the books† (7). Tom tries to be in charge of everything that happens in this gang, even if it is not the best plan or idea. The group of boys never ends up robbing anyone or killing anyone. This is just another one of Tom’s fantasies that will never come true. After Tom lies about the gang, Huck begins to recognize that Tom is a liar that makes up elaborate tales and he also wants to control everything. Huck â€Å"couldn’t see no profit in it† so he ended up resigning as well as the other boys (9). The gang â€Å"hadn’t robbed nobody† and â€Å"hadn’t killed any people, but only just pretended† (9). Huck thought that it was a waste of time, and he knew that Tom was lying about killing and robbing people. When Jim and Huck are alone on the canoe for several days, Huck steps up and becomes the boss. He planned where and when the two would travel and decided that they would spend three days on the island, as they did. He takes on Tom’s role, and does a good job at it. He begins to care for Jim as a person, something that Tom would never let happen. Huck says that he â€Å"wouldn’t want to be nowhere else but here†, referencing the island that the two men sleep at for three days (37). Huck comes up with numerous plans and ideas that help him and Jim survive and dodge the obstacles that come their way. Jim hides in the raft when people pass by them so that they would not ask who Jim was. Huck also came up with a fake name to tell people so that they wouldn’t know that he was still alive. There are a few times when Huck has to leave Jim for awhile, but he never gives up on Jim. Another one of Huck’s brilliant ideas as a leader was to dress up as a girl and go into town. He finds out that there is an award out for Jim and himself. He eventually goes back to Jim and they continue to travel. Huck was pulling his wagon for town when he sees Tom half-way. He stops and waits for Tom, and Tom thinks that Huck is a ghost. After Tom believes that Huck is alive, Huck tells Tom about Jim being kept on a farm. Huck starts to doubt Jim and at one point, wants to just leave on his own. Jim had become a good friend of Hucks’, and he would do anything for him. At the beginning, Tom would not have sacrificed anything for a slave. When Jim gets into a predicament, such as being trapped on a farm in a hut, Huck persuades Tom into helping to escape Jim. Tom changes his attitude and thinks of it as an adventure, and Tom takes control once again. Huck comes up with a plan to steal a key from the old man that had Jim locked in the hut. Tom says that his plan was â€Å"too blame’ simple; there ain’t nothing to it† (176). Tom is becoming that leader and Huck becomes the follower once again. When trying to help Jim escape from the cabin, Huck wants to simply pick up the bed’s frame, and slip the chain out. Tom wants to use a chainsaw and cut the bed’s frame, and possibly â€Å"saw Jim’s leg off† (181). Tom tries to be more complicated than necessary. Tom is the leader, and Huck allows him to be because of his passive ways. It is the norm that Tom comes in and takes control. There is no need to saw Jim’s leg in order to get the chain free. Huck becomes unsure of his idea and thinks that it is not as good as Tom’s. Huck is just inferior to Tom. Realistically, Huck’s plan seems more logical than Tom’s and a lot easier to maneuver. This is just Tom’s normal behavior to think more into it than it really has to be. Huck is seen as â€Å"ignorant† to Tom (182). Tom says that â€Å"if I was as ignorant as you, I’d keep still- that’s what I’d do† (182). In Tom’s perspective, Huck’s plans do not make any sense. Tom wants to get Jim a shirt â€Å"to keep a journal on† (182). Huck want to get Jim out of the cabin with a ladder but Tom wants to tear up sheets to â€Å"make Jim a rope ladder† (182). Tom’s defense was that it was in the regulations, and Huck agreed that he did not want to go against the regulations. Tom also mentions to write the journal in Jim’s own blood. Huck knows that this is impossible because Jim cannot write. Tom also comes up with the brilliant idea of digging Jim out with â€Å"a couple case-knives† (184). Huck says that the idea is foolish, but Tom insists, and Huck goes along with the idea. Huck goes along with all of Tom’s ideas no matter how ridiculous they may sound. Huck seems very self- conscious about his ideas, so he thinks that Tom’s will work more efficiently. Huck looks up to Tom as if he were a God. Huck seems to always give in to Tom. For example, when Tom wants to tear up the sheets to make a rope ladder, they could have used the ladder that was already there instead of tearing up Aunt Sally’s sheets, but Huck agrees to do it because that is what the regulations say to do. While Jim is about to escape, Tom claims that Jim needs a â€Å"coat of arms† (194). Tom says that Jim needs to write an inscription on the wall because everyone does it. Jim says that he cannot think of anything, but then he says he thinks of a lot of them. In Huck’s eyes, it is just another one of Tom’s ideas that do not make sense. There is no need for Jim to leave something behind. If anything, it is just taking up more time and effort. Tom then comes up with another great idea that is questionable at the least. He wants to â€Å"have rattlesnakes aroun’† (197). Tom says that Jim can tame the snake and he won’t be scared of it after a little while. Tom says that all of the books say that they have to do it. Soon after the rattlesnake idea come rats. Every time a rat bit Jim he would get up and write a little in his journal whilst the ink was fresh† (201). It is a ridiculous idea that came from no other than Tom Sawyer. He comes up with these absurd ideas that make not a bit of sense. He just wants to do it because that is what the books say to do and they are from real adventures. Huck and Jim both do not u nderstand why, but they just go along with the plan. Huck starts to realize that Tom’s plans are stupid and just takes up more valuable time; however he still goes along with the plans and still believes that they are better than his own ideas. One instance is when Tom wants to use spoons to dig out Jim, when there is a shovel right there. Tom says that the books say nothing about a shovel. The spoons take up a lot of time, whereas a shovel would have been a lot faster and more efficient. The whole time Tom is back into the adventures, he becomes the leader, even though Huck is fully capable of doing the job. Huck looks up to Tom and believes every word that Tom says. Even the most outrageous ideas that Tom comes up with, Huck trusts him and always goes with his judgment. Despite all of the bad ideas that Tom comes up with, Huck still looks at Tom for inspiration and advice. Huck loses his self-assurance as soon as Tom joins the group again. Huck is just used to Tom taking control, and even when Huck gives his outlook on the plans, they always pursue Tom’s ideas and not Huck’s. The allegation is that Huck will not end up having any more adventures with Tom. Huck plans to straighten up his life. He says â€Å"light out for the Territory ahead of the rest† (220). His adventures with Tom have come to an end. (WC 1970)

Monday, November 25, 2019

Computer and Internet Terms in Spanish

Computer and Internet Terms in Spanish If you travel to a country where Spanish is spoken, chances are that sooner or later youll be using a computer, probably to use the Internet, or possibly for study or business. For English speakers, the Spanish of computers and the Internet can be surprisingly easy - in areas of technology, many English words have been adopted into Spanish, and many English words in the sciences come to us via Latin or Greek, also sources of Spanish words. Even so, Spanish vocabulary related to computers and the Internet remains in a state of flux: Some purists have objected to the direct import of English words, so while sometimes a computer mouse will be referred to simply as a mouse (pronounced as maus), sometimes the word ratà ³n is used. And some words are used in different ways by different people and publications; for example, youll see references both to la Internet (because of the word for the network, red, is feminine) and el Internet (because new words in the language typically are masculine by default). And frequently internet is left uncapitalized. These qualifications should be kept in mind if using the following list of computer and Internet terms. Although the terms given here are all used by Spanish speakers somewhere, the word choice may depend on the region and the preference of the individual speaker. In some cases, there also may be alternatives or spellings that arent listed here. In most cases, imported English words related to technology tend to keep the English pronunciation or something approximating it. Spanish Computer Terms A-L address (in email or on a website) - la direccià ³napp  -   la  app (the word is feminine), la aplicacià ³nat symbol () - la arrobabackslash (\) - la barra invertida, la barra inversa, la contrabarrabackup - la copia de seguridad (verb, hacer una copia/archivo de seguridad)bandwidth - la amplitud de bandabattery - la pilabookmark - el favorito, el marcador, el marcapginasboot (verb)  -   iniciar,  prender, encenderbrowser - el navegador (web), el browserbug - el fallo, el error, el bugbutton (as on a mouse) - el botà ³nbyte, kilobyte, megabyte - byte, kilobyte, megabytecable - el cablecache  -   el cachà ©, la memoria cachecard - la tarjetaCD-ROM - CD-ROMclick (noun) - el clicclick (verb) - hacer clic, cliquear, presionar, pulsarcomputer - la computadora (sometimes el computador), el ordenadorcookie (used in browsers)  -   la cookiecrash (verb)  -   colgarse, bloquearsecursor - el cursorcut and paste - cortar y pegardata - los datosdesk top (of a computer screen) - el escritorio, la pantalladigital - digitaldomain - el dominiodot (in Internet addresses) - el puntodownload - descargardriver - el controlador de dispositivo, el driveremail (noun)  - el correo electrà ³nico, el email (plural los emails)email (verb)  -   enviar correo electrà ³nico, enviar por correo electrà ³nico, emailearerase, delete - borrarfile - el archivofirewall  -   el contrafuegos, el firewallflash memory - la memoria flashfolder - la carpetafrequently asked questions, FAQ - las preguntas ms frecuentes, las preguntas de uso frecuente, las preguntas (ms) comunes, las FAQ, las PUFGoogle (as a verb)  -   googlearhard drive - el disco durohertz, megahertz, gigahertz - hertz, megahertz, gigahertzhigh resolution - resolucià ³n alta, definicià ³n altahome page - la pgina inicial, la pgina principal, la portadaicon - el iconoinstall - instalarInternet - la internet, el internet, la Redkey (of a keyboard) - la tec lakeyboard - el tecladokeyword - la palabra clavelaptop (computer) - el plegable, la computadora porttil, el ordenador porttilLCD - LCDlink - el enlace, la conexià ³n, el và ­nculo Spanish Computer Terms M-Z memory - la memoriamenu - el menà ºmessage - el mensajemodem - el mà ³demmouse - el ratà ³n, el mousemultitasking - la multitareanetwork - la redopen-source  -   de cà ³digo abiertooperating system - el sistema operativo, el cà ³digo operacionalpassword - la contraseà ±aprint (verb) - imprimirprinter - la impresoraprivacy; privacy policy  -   la privacidad; la polà ­tica de privacidad, la pà ³liza de privacidadprocessor - el procesadorprogram - el programa (verb, programar)RAM - la RAM, la memoria RAMsave (a file or document) - guardarscreen - la pantallascreensaver - el salvapantallassearch engine - el buscador, el servidor de bà ºsquedaserver - el servidorslash (/) - la barra, la barra oblicuasoftware - el softwaresmartphone  -   el telà ©fono inteligente, el smartphonespam - el correo basura, el spamstreaming - streamingtab (in a browser)  -   la pestaà ±aterms and conditions  -   los tà ©rminos y condicionestoolbar - la barr a de herramientasUSB, USB port - USB, puerto USBvideo - el videovirus - el virusweb page - la pgina web (plural las pginas web)website - el web (plural los webs), el sitio web (plural los sitios web)Wi-Fi  - el wifiwindow - la ventanawireless - inalmbrico

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nutri Natural, Herbal and Vitamin Supplements Research Paper

Nutri Natural, Herbal and Vitamin Supplements - Research Paper Example In addition, many organizations are watching the growth of this demand and competition is already building. Therefore, market positioning and efficiency in marketing company products has become more relevant. For a company such as Nutri that intends to launch their online retail sale of natural, herbal and food vitamins, it is crucial to understand the market dynamics, distribution and the nature of competition within the market to be successful. Notably, the UK food supplements market is complex, and brand positioning is a necessary effort. In the past ten years, it is evident that the demand for supplements and vitamins has grown considerably and is already at a plateau phase. Approximately, the Food and Supplements market will reach $786 million within the next five years. Therefore, there is an opportunity for investment in this industry. UK enjoys stable economic growth and the low rates of unemployment in the country points out that the public have a well-grounded purchasing power (Ritchie 2-7). If this continues in the near future, it is obvious that the food supplements market will grow in tandem with the public demand. To this end, the economic perspective of the US food supplements market favors Nutri’s intention to launch their food supplements market. The social-cultural factors appear to be the main drivers of the demand for food supplements in the UK market. The high rates of obesity and health-related diseases have triggered a sudden change in the diet behavior in the UK. UK is among some of the countries have high rates of health-related diseases in the world due to high consumption of energy-rich foods. This trend has seen many health organizations as well as the government launch public awareness programs in the world to warn the public against unhealthy feeding habits. Consequently, the public is becoming aware of the need to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Cluster Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Cluster Analysis - Essay Example There are various statistics associated with cluster analysis which are used for analyzing the data. Clustering can be hierarchical or non hierarchal and these are further classified into various methods. Hierarchal clustering is developed as a tree like structure. This method can be either agglomerative or divisive. In agglomerative clustering each object is formed as a separate cluster which is formed by grouping into bigger clusters and the process is continued till all the cases form as members of a single cluster. In agglomerative method, the various methods such as linkage methods, error sum of squares or variance and central methods are used. Linkage method includes single linkage, complete linkage and average linkage. The single linkage method is based on the minimum distance. The complete linkage is based on the maximum distance. And the average linkage is based on the average distance between all pairs of objects, so that one member of the pair is from each of the clusters. Variance method is used to minimize the within -cluster variance. Ward's procedure is a variance method where the squared euclidean distance to the cluster means is minimized. In the centroid method the distance between the two clusters is computed as the distance between their centroids. Generally the average linkage and Ward's method are supposed to perform better than other procedures. Now we shall discuss the various statistics associated with cluster analysis. Agglomerative schedule gives information on the cases being combined at each stage of a hierarchical clustering. The mean value of the variable associated with all cases in a cluster is known as cluster centroid. Dendogram is a tree like graph which displays the result of cluster analysis. The clusters which are joined together are represented by vertical lines. The position of line indicates the distance where the clusters are joined. This graph is a generally read from left to right. The distance between cluster centers indicates how the pairs of clusters are separated. If the clusters are widely separated and distinct then they are desirable. Icicle diagram is a graph, which displays the clustering results. It is called as icicles which hang from the eaves of a house. The columns represent the cases being clustered and the rows correspond to the number of clusters. This diagram is read from bottom to top. In this case chestnut ridge club clustering is considered on the attitude of the respondents in terms of joining a club. And the respondents expressed on a scale of 1-5, the objective here is group similar cases and to measures how similar or different the case are. The approach is to measure similarity in terms of distance between pairs of objects. There are different methods to measure the distance. These methods can be used to measure and the results can be compared. In hierarchical clustering agglomerative clustering is selected and Wards procedure is used to measure the distance. Generally the choice of clustering method and choice of a distance measure are related. Here the variables are measured on a five-point scale. The Wards linkage method is used to find the average distance between all pairs of objects. In this variance method the squared Euclidean distance to the cluster means is minimized. The important outputs obtained here are agglomeration schedule which shows the number of clusters combined at each

Monday, November 18, 2019

Jonathan Safra Foer Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2005) Literature review

Jonathan Safra Foer Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2005) - Literature review Example For instance, in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies the innocent respond to the apocalypse by hopelessly degenerating into abject crudeness and barbarity, thereby questioning the supposed nobility of human existence and the lofty achievements of human civilization (Otten 1982). In contrast, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee shows the innocent witnessing the rampant social injustices with their inherent simplicity and artlessness, without attempting any analytical or immaturely logical approach towards trying to figure out things (Sterne 1994). In Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner, the innocent succumb to the defilement of cherished intimacy and friendship before an abject sense of helplessness and painful unconcern (Shivani 2007). In that context, Jonathan Safran Foer, in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close affects a unique treatment to the theme under consideration, in the sense that it celebrates the survival of innocence, signified by its very ability to feel pain , trauma and loss and its adamant stubbornness to seek out a meaning in the surrounding gloom and apathy. In Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, nine year old Oskar is an innocent from the 21st century, who, though, inflicted by the sorrow and loss affected by a very contemporary apocalypse, refuses to give up. On the contrary, he chooses to squarely grapple with the bizarre aftermath wrecked by the apocalypse, painstakingly and deliberately looking out for solutions, trying to eke out explanations, desperately desiring to cull out some sense out of the world obsessed with nihilism. Story of Oskar depicts how the innocent collide with reality in the modern times. According to Claude Peck, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is not as much a novel about 9/11, but rather a literary after-effect, which tends to illustrate the varied imaginative and psychological dimensions of the apocalypse (2005). To explore this modern day apocalypse, Foer had to improvise an offbeat format marked b y vivid pictures, photos and illustrations portraying themes and scenes from the novel, empty pages and pages having only one sentence, coloured graphics, doodles, typographical oddities and a strange ending involving multiple pages showing a man falling from a skyscraper (Peck 2005). The novel vividly delineates how innocent Oskar tries to come to terms with his personal loss and trauma, his resultant bouts of anxiety, insomnia, self-mutilation and depression (Peck 2005). In many ways, Oskar is an exceptional nine years old, as he is a vegan, regularly corresponds with Stephen Hawking, can converse in passable French and is an avid and ingenuous inventor. However, one thing that Oskar has in common with all the New York children, and actually with many of the New Yorkers, is his deep seated sense of remorse and despair over the 9/11 World Trade Centre attack (Peck 2005). Surprisingly, Oskar responds to this tragedy by zealously trying to translate his anguish into pragmatic action, into some meaningful search that culminates into something life affirming, a possible resuscitation of the bruised yet indefatigable spirit of modern humanity (Peck 2005). Sadly, Oskar’s approach towards facing reality is not so liked by some prophets of the yore. Perhaps, as usual they consider innocence and naivety to be synonymous. In a review written for the New Yorker, John Updike commented on the futility of filling a 300 plus page book with â€Å"

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Map Generalization Capabilities Of Arcgis Information Technology Essay

The Map Generalization Capabilities Of Arcgis Information Technology Essay Data processing associated with Geographical Information Systems is so enormous. The information needed from this data actually varies for different applications. Specific details can be extracted, for instance resolution diminished, contours reduced, data redundancy eliminated or features on a map for which application is needed absorbed. This is all aimed at reducing storage space and representing details on a map with a larger scale accurately unto another with a much smaller scale. This paper presents a framework for the Map Generalization tools embedded in ArcGIS (A Geographical Information Systems Software by ESRI) as well as the algorithm each tool uses. Finally, a review of all the tools indicating which is more efficient after thorough analysis of the algorithm used and the desired output result produced. 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Definition of Map Generalization As (Goodchild, 1991) points out, Map Generalization is the ability to simplify and show spatial [features with location attached to them] relationships as it is seen on the earths surface modelled into a map. The advantages involved in adopting this process cannot be overemphasized. Some are itemized below (Lima dAlge J.C., 1998) It reduces complexity and the rigours Manual Cartographic Generalization goes through. It conveys information accurately. It preserves the spatial accuracy as drawn from the earths surface when modelling A lot of Software vendors came up with solutions to tackle the problem of manual cartography and this report will be reflecting on ArcGIS 9.3 Map Generalization tools. 1.2 Reasons for Automated Map Generalization In times past, to achieve this level of precision, the service of a skilled cartographer is needed. He is faced with the task of modelling [representation of features on the earths surface] on a large scale map into a smaller scale map. This form of manual cartography is very strenuous because it consumes a lot of time and also a lot of expertise is needed due to the fact that the cartographer will inevitably draw all the features and represent them in a smaller form and also taken into consideration the level of precision required so as not to render the data/graphical representation invalid. The setbacks experienced were the motivating factor for the advent or introduction to Automatic Cartographic Design which is known as Automated Map Generalization. A crucial part of map generalization is information abstraction and not necessarily to compress data. Good generalization technique should be intelligent which takes into consideration the characteristics of the image and not just the ideal geometric properties (Tinghua, 2004). Several algorithms [set of instructions taken to achieve a programming result] have been developed to enable this and this report is critically going to explore each of them 1.3 Process of Automated Map Generalization As Brassel and Weibel (n.d.) Map Generalization can be grouped into five steps. Structure Recognition Process Recognition Process Modelling Process Execution Display The step that will be elaborated upon for the cause of this report will be Process Recognition [types of Generalization procedures] which involves different manipulation on geometry in order to simplify the shape and represent it on a smaller scale (Shea and McMaster, 1989) 2.0 Generalization Tools in ArcGIS 9.3 2.1 Smooth Polygon This is a tool used for cartographic design in ArcGIS 9.3. It involves dividing the polygon into several vertices and each vertice being smoothed when the action is performed (FreePatentOnline, 2004-2010). An experiment is illustrated below to show how Smooth Polygon works. Add the layerfile Polygon which has an attribute name of Huntingdonshire-which is a district selected from England_dt_2001 area shapefile that was downloaded from UKBorders. The next step was I selected the ArcTool Box on the standard toolbar of ArcMap, then I went to Generalization Tools which is under Data Management Tools and afterwards I clicked on Smooth Polygon. Open Smooth Polygon > Select Input feature (which is polygon to be smoothed) in this case Polygon > select the output feature class (which is file location where the output image is to be saved) > select the simplification algorithm (which is PAEK) > select the simplification tolerance. Fig 2.0: Display before Smooth Polygon Fig 2.1: Display after Smooth Polygon The table in Fig 2.1 shows the output when Polynomial Approximation Exponential Kernel (Bodansky, et al, 2002) was used. The other algorithm that can be applied for this procedure is Bezier Interpolation. Algorithm Type Simplification Tolerance(Km) Time Taken (secs) PAEK 4 1 Bezier Interpolation 112 Observation PAEK Algorithm: When this technique was used, as the simplification tolerance value is increased, the weight of each point in the image decreased and the more the image is smoothed. Also, the output curves generated do not pass through the input line vertices however, the endpoints are retained. A significant short coming of PAEK Algorithm is that in a bid to smoothen some rough edges, it eliminates important boundaries, to refrain from such occurrence a buffer is to be applied to a zone of certain width before allowing the PAEK Smooth algorithm to execute. (Amelinckx, 2007) Bezier Interpolation: This is the other algorithm that can be applied to achieve Smoothing technique on polygons. In this case, the parameters are the same as PAEKs except that the tolerance value is greyed out- no value is to be inputed and as a result the output image produced is identical to its source because the tolerance value is responsible for smoothen rough edges and the higher value stated, the more the polygon is smoothed. The output curves passes through the input line vertices. When this experiment was performed, it was noticed that its curves were properly aligned around vertices. Conclusion: After performing both experiments, it was observed that the PAEK Algorithm is better because it allows a tolerance value to be inputted which in turn gives you a more smoothed image around curves and this will be of more importance to cartographers that want to smoothen their image and remove redundant points. 2.2 Smooth Line This is the second tool we will be examining. This is similar to Smooth Polygon technique except that the input feature will have to be a polyline shapefile. The steps are repeated as illustrated in Smooth Polygon but under Generalization Tools; Smooth Line is chosen. Now under input feature (select gower1) which is a dataset provided for use on this report. Specify the output feature > smoothing algorithm selected (PAEK) > smoothing tolerance. Note: All other fields are left as defaults i.e. No_check/Flag Error meaning we do not want it to display any errors if encountered and fixed_Endpoint/Not_fixed which preserves the endpoint of a polygon or line and applies to PAEK Algorithm. Algorithm Type Simplification Tolerance(Km) Time Taken (secs) PAEK 1000 2 Bezier Interpolation 4 Fig 2.2: Display after Smooth Line technique was applied __________ (Before Smoothing Line) __________ (After Smoothing Line) Observation PAEK Algorithm: The tolerance value used here was so high to be able to physically see the changes made. PAEK Algorithm as applied on gower1 smoothed the curves around edges and eliminates unimportant points around the edges. This results in an image with fewer points as the tolerance value is increased. The output line does not pass through the input line vertices. This algorithm uses a syntax where the average of all the points is taken and for a particular vertex, which is substituted with the average coordinates of the next vertex. This is done sequentially for each vertex but displacement of the shape is averted by giving priority to the weighting of the central point than that of its neighbouring vertex. Bezier Interpolation: Just like in Smoothing Polygon, a tolerance value is not required and when this technique was performed in this illustration, points around edges were partially retained resulting in drawing smooth curves around the vertices. The output line passes across the input line vertices. Conclusion: From both illustrations just as in Smooth Polygon, PAEK Algorithm was considered most effective because it generates smoother curves around the edges as the tolerance value is increased. However, the true shape of the image can be gradually lost as this value is increased but with Bezier Interpolation; curves around the vertices are preserved but just smoothed and vertices maintained to as well. Simplify Polygon: This method is aimed at removing awkward bends around vertices while preserving its shape. There are two algorithms involved; Point Remove and Bend Simplify. The shapefile used for this illustration is the polygon (Huntingdonshire) district of England. Select Simplify Polygon (under generalization tools, which is under Data Management tools > then input feature as polygon > output feature> simplification algorithm> smoothing tolerance. Algorithm Type Simplification Tolerance(Km) Time Taken (secs) Point Remove 2 4 Bend Simplify 2 9 Fig 2.3: Display before Simplify Polygon Fig 2.4: Display after Simplify Polygon Point Remove Algorithm: This is a metamorphosis of the Douglas-Peucker algorithm and it applies the area/perimeter quotient which was first used in Wang algorithm (Wang, 1999, cited in ESRI, 2007). From the above experiment, as the tolerance value is increased, more vertices in the polygon were eliminated. This technique simplifies the polygon by reducing lots of vertices and by so doing it loses the original shape as the tolerance value is increased gradually. Bend Simplify Algorithm: This algorithm was pioneered by Wang and Muller and it is aimed at simplifying shapes through detections around bent surfaces. It does this by eliminating insignificant vertices and the resultant output has better geometry preservation. Observation: After applying both algorithms to the polygon above, it was seen that for point remove, the vertices reduced dramatically as the tolerance value was increased in multiples of 2km. This amounts to about 95% reduction while when the same approach was applied to Bend Simplify; there was about 30% reduction in the number of vertices. Bend Simplify also took longer time to execute. Conclusion: It is seen that Bend Simplify is a better option when geometry is to be preserved however when the shape is to be represented on a smaller scale, point remove will be ideal because the shape is reduced significantly thereby appearing as a shrink image of its original. Simplify Line This is a similar procedure to Simplify Polygon except that here the shapefile to be considered is a line or a polygon which contains intersected lines. It is a process that involves reduction in the number of vertices that represent a line feature. This is achieved by reducing the number of vertices, preserving those that are more relevant and expunging those that are redundant such as repeated curves or area partitions without disrupting its original shape (Alves et al, 2010). Two layers are generated when this technique is performed; a line feature class and a point feature class. The former contains the simplified line while the latter contains vertices that have been simplified they can no longer be seen as a line but instead collapsed as a point. This applies to Simplify Polygon too. However, for both exercises no vertex was collapsed to a point feature. To illustrate this, the process is repeated in previous generalization technique, but under Data Management tools > select simplify line > select input feature (gower1) > select output feature > select the algorithm (point remove) > tolerance. Then accept all other defaults because we are not interested in the errors. Algorithm Type Simplification Tolerance(Km) Time Taken (secs) Point Remove 8 7 Bend Simplify 8 12 Fig 2.5: Display after Simplify Line __________ (Before Simplifying Line) __________ (After Simplifying Line) Two algorithms are necessary for performing this operation; Point Remove and Bend Simplify. Observation Point Remove Algorithm: This method has been enumerated in Simplify Polygon. It is observed here that when point remove algorithm was used the lines in gower1 were redrawn such that vertices that occurred redundantly were removed and this became even more evident as the tolerance value increased such that the line had sharp angles around curves and its initial geometry is gradually lost. Bend Simplify Algorithm: This also reduces the number of vertices in a line and the more the tolerance value was increased, the more the number of reduction in the vertices. It takes a longer time to execute than the Point Remove. However the originality of the line feature is preserved. Conclusion: From the two practical exercises, Bend Simplify algorithm is more accurate because it preserves the line feature and its original shape is not too distorted. However, if the feature is to be represented on a much smaller scale and data compression is the factor considered here, then Point Remove will be an option to embrace. Aggregate Polygon: This process involves amalgamating polygons of neighbouring boundaries. It merges separate polygons (both distinct ones and adjacent) and a new perimeter area is obtained which maintains the surface area of all the encompassing polygons that were merged together. To illustrate this, select Data Management Tools > select aggregate polygons > select input feature (which is a selection of several districts from the England_dt_2001 area shapefile I downloaded) > output feature class > aggregation distance (boundary distance between polygons) and then I left other values as default. Fig 2.6: Display before Aggregate Polygon Fig 2.7: Display after Aggregate Polygon Aggregation Distance Used 2km Time Taken 48secs As seen from both figures, the districts in Fig 2.6 were joined together as seen in fig 2.3. As the aggregation distance is increased further, the separate districts are over-merged and the resultant image appears like a plain wide surface area till those hollow parts seen in fig 2.7 disappears. The algorithm used here which is inbuilt into the arcgis software is the Sort Tile Recursive tree. This algorithm computes all the nodes of neighbouring polygons by implementing the middle transversal method in a logical sequence from left to right. When this computation is complete, the result is stored as a referenced node. Now the middle transversal node in the tree is obtained and thereafter a mergence is calculated which spans from the left node to the right node until it get to the root of the tree (Xie, 2010) 2.6 Simplify Building: This process simplifies polygon shapes in form of buildings with the aim of preserving its original structure. To illustrate this, Simplify Building is chosen under Data Management tools. The appropriate fields are chosen; input feature here is a building shape file I extracted from MasterMap download of area code CF37 1TW. a b c d Fig 2.8: Display before Simplify Building Fig 2.9: Display after Simplify Building As shown above, the buildings in (a and b) in fig 2.8 were simplified to (c and d) in fig 2.9 where a tolerance value of 10km was used and the time taken to execute this task was 3secs. As the tolerance value is increased, the more simplified the building is and it loses its shape. The algorithm behind this scene is the recursive approach which was first implemented with C++ programming language but has evolved into DLL (Dynamic Link Library) applications like ArcGIS 9.3 The recursive approach algorithm follows this sequence of steps. Determining the angle of rotation ÃŽÂ ± of the building, computing nodes around a boundary and then enclosing a small rectangular area which contains a set of points The angle of rotation ÃŽÂ ± is set Determining the vertices around edges as regards the recursion used and thereafter to calculate the splitting rate  µ and a recursive decomposition of the edge with respect to those of the new edges. The shortcoming of this algorithm is that L and Z shaped buildings are culprits as they give erroneous shapes while it works perfectly on U and L shaped buildings (Bayer, 2009). 2.7 Eliminate: This technique basically works on an input layer with a selection which can either take the form of Select by Location or Select by Attribute query. The resultant image now chunks off the selection and the remaining composites of the layerfile are now drawn out. To illustrate this, eliminate is chosen under data management tools, the input feature here is England_dt_2001 area shapefile which has some districts selected and the output feature is specified, all other fields left as defaults. From Fig 3.0 after eliminated procedure was taken on the polygon (the green highlights being the selected features), the resultant polygon is shown in Fig 3.1. However the districts in Fig 3.1 now excludes all those selected in Fig 3.0 and this can be seen visually in labels a and b and therefore Fig 3.1 has fewer districts. a b Fig 3.0: Display before Eliminate process Fig 3.1: Display after Eliminate process The time taken for this procedure was 44secs. 2.8 Dissolve: The dissolve tool works similarly to the aggregate polygon except that in dissolve, it is the features of the polygons that are to be aggregated and not the separate polygons themselves. The features are merged together using different statistic types more like an alias performed on them. To illustrate this, click on Dissolve under Data Management tool, select input features- same used for aggregate polygons (features to be aggregated) > the output field (where the result is to be saved) > the dissolve field (fields you want to aggregate together) > statistic type > multi_part > dissolve_lines. The diagram below shows this; Observation: For this exercise, the dissolve field was left as default meaning no field was selected. Also, multi_part was used which denotes that instead of merging smaller fields into a large one-the features becomes so extensive that if this is displayed on a map, there can be loss of performance however the multi_part option makes sure larger features are split into separate smaller ones. Dissolve_line field makes sure lines are dissolved into one feature while unsplit_lines only dissolve lines when two lines have an end node in common. The algorithm for this technique is simply Boolean (like a true or false situation, yes or no). However there are shortcomings with this technique as low virtual memory of the computer can limit the features that are to be dissolved. However, input features can be dissected into parts by an algorithm called adaptive tiling. Fig 3.2: Display before Dissolve process Fig 3.3: Display after Dissolve process Time taken = 10secs 2.9 Collapse Dual Lines: This is useful when centric lines are to be generated among two or more parallel lines with a specific width. This can be very useful when you have to consider large road networks in a block or casing. It enables you to visualize them properly. To illustrate this, open Collapse Dual Lines under data management tools > select input feature (which is gower1) > select the output feature > select maximum width Maximum width (this is the maximum width of the casing allowed that contains the feature to be collapsed e.g. width of a road network) while the minimum width is the minimum value allowed to be able to denote its centric line from. In this exercise, maximum width = 4km Time taken = 4secs Fig 3.4: Display after Collapse Dual Line to Centerline __________ (Before Collapse Dual Line) __________ (After Collapse Dual Line) As seen above, it is observed that when this experiment was performed, those lines in blue are aftermaths of effect of procedure of operation on them because they had a red colour before. However those in red did not change because they did not have a width within the specified maximum width stated. However, this is going to change as the maximum width is increased or a minimum width is set. 3.0 Conclusion From the illustrations shown in this paper, we can see that various forms of generalization tools have their various purposes either in form of shape retention, angular preservation or simply reduction purposes so that a replica image shown on a larger scale can fit in properly on a smaller scale. However depending on the tool chosen, a compromise will have to made on these factors giving preference to what it is we want to be represented after performing the operation. Different algorithms were explored and it is inferred that when polygons or lines are to be simplified, point remove is accurate option when you want to represent them on a smaller scale, however if originality of shape is to be considered then bend simplify algorithm will work best while for Smooth technique on polygons and lines, PAEK Algorithm is better.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

King Lear vs. The Stone Angel Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It has been said that, â€Å"Rivers and mountains may change; human nature, never.†( This is a quote that can be deconstructed when examining William Shakespeare’s King Lear and Margaret Laurence’s The Stone Angel. When reviewing the two books the main characters, King Lear and Hagar, are easily comparable. The first similarity becomes apparent when King Lear and Hagar are both developed as flawed characters. Secondly, because of their flaws the two characters become blind to reality. Thirdly, after being deceived by themselves and others as a result of their blindness, both characters seek refuge outside of their own homes. By leaving their homes the characters are able to gain perspective on themselves and their pasts. Finally, despite these similarities between King Lear and Hagar, a significant difference prevails after the characters experience their epiphanies and are awarded a chance to redeem themselves. When explori ng King Lear and The Stone Angel it becomes clear that although both main characters engage in similar journeys to self discovery a critical difference between the two books exists in the character’s ability to redeem themselves after their epiphany.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It first became clear that Shakespeare’s King Lear and Laurence’s Hagar Shipley were similar main characters when their personalities were developed with flaws. King Lear was immediately revealed as an imperfect character when he was shown in his somewhat conflicting roles as a father and a king. After resolving to divide his kingdom amongst his three daughters Lear develops a way to decide how his power and land will be divided. Looking to his three children Lear probes, â€Å"Tell me, my daughters/ (Since now we will divest us both of rule,/ Interest of territory, cares of state),/ Which of you shall we say doth love us most?/ That we our largest bounty may extend/ Where nature doth with merit challenge.†(I.i.49-54) It is at this point in the play that King Lear reveals himself as superficial. Knowing he had already divided his land in three Lear could have presented it to his daughters as each receives one third of the kingdom. However, Lea r is flawed in that he is superficial and rather than hand over his land and power he would rather hear his daughters competitively praise him for it. Similarly to Lear’s flaw Hagar is... ... his faults and change to redeem himself Hagar was only able to recognize her own flaws.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, when comparing the main characters from King Lear and The Stone Angel it is clear that although the characters endure a similar path to self discovery their outcomes prove them to be very different. This has been shown first by their development as flawed characters. Secondly, as a result of their flaws both characters become blind to others’ actions as well as their own. Thirdly, both characters remove themselves form their usual environment where they experience their epiphany and are able to recognize their own flaws. Finally, despite all of these similarities, the two characters experience very different outcomes of their epiphanies. These two books bring an interesting perspective to the question of whether or not human nature can be altered. In the case of these two authentic characters, one changed where the other could not. Works Cited Laurence, Margaret. The Stone Angel. McClelland & Stewart Ltd: Toronto, 1988. Shakespeare, William. King Lear. Harcourt Canada Ltd. World of Quotes. 19 Ma. 2005

Monday, November 11, 2019

Company Representative Paper Essay

This letter is to express my interest in bringing my experience as a Technical Support Analyst to your organization. I possess excellent customer service skills and have the technical skills and abilities in desktop and network support that will be an asset to your organization. As you can gather from my attached resume, I have experience maintaining a help desk ticket system to log all software and hardware related issues. I am a hard worker and committed to personal and professional growth in the IT industry. I have demonstrated my ability to troubleshoot customer problems providing effective resolution to technical issues. I obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Information Systems at Simpson College and seek to contribute my formal education and professional experience to a challenging position with your organization. In addition to the skills noted on my attached resume, I can also offer your organization: †¢ Team Leader with proven ability to increase customer satisfaction by providing excellent technical support. †¢ An ability to work in a fast-paced environment and take on challenging IT tasks. †¢ Goal-oriented professional dedicated to quickly learning new tasks. It is my hope that my education and professional experience will convey to you that I have the qualifications to make a valuable contribution to your company. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at the number listed above.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Music Research Paper Writing What Makes It Powerful

Music Research Paper Writing What Makes It Powerful Any successful academic paper is the result of heavy work: a college student needs to research a topic or question through reading, analysis, and synthesis of various information sources. In fact, it takes considerable time to find and review relevant sources, read and examine the information from them, take notes, create an outline, and write drafts, edit the final version. Want to write a good research paper? Do it correctly! It is crucial to divide a project, including a written one, into manageable steps. This music research paper writing guide is to help you write a music research paper as required in most colleges accordingly at each stage of writing. Let’s see what they are in your research paper. Choosing Music Topics to Research on Paper In order to write a research paper, you need to choose a topic with which you’ll deal preferably with pleasure. What are these topics on which you’ll immediately start working? Make sure that a topic corresponds to the assignment requirements and your own interest. It is not less important to carefully define the title of a research paper. Stick to the title that is 5-15 words in length. The successfully chosen titles are narrowly focused according to 4 goals: Predict the content of a paper; Compel the reader’s attention; Reflect the tone of writing; Contain keywords to search for a paper. 10 Title Examples for a Music Research Paper Spend some time to look at the list. Maybe, you’ll find something interesting for yourself as a researcher: Musicology: What Does a Music Study Involve?; Music and Musical Activities from a Historical Perspective; The Development of Music: Top Innovations in the Music Technology; The Perception of Music during Different Eras; The Concept of â€Å"a Musical Work† in the Art: The Interpretation of a Works Meaning; The Modern Stylistic Development in Music: A Trending Analysis; The Musical Environment in the 21st Century: What Makes Music Modern?; The Significance of Music for Different Communities; The Interaction Between Music and Identity (National, Racial, Gender, Individual); The Relationship between the Human Body, Health and Music. If you feel uncertain about what to choose, you can explore some ideas about music during interesting TED Talks. After you decide what topic you’ll cover, you’re ready to go on. Searching for Reliable Information Sources A good research paper entails searching for detailed information on the topic of choice. There are a number of great sources to help you research your topic. You can get more information by surfing the Internet or referring to books and journals from the library. Approach the research process as a detective whose job is to find the clues and strong evidence. For that reason, you should discover attentively all works written in your research area music. Where to find them? Here you are some reliable sources of information for your research paper: JSTOR. It is an online platform where more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources are easily found. Be sure to find the valuable works just clicking the subject you need. Oxford Music Online. It is an authoritative resource with over 51,000 articles written for music research. You’ll surely find what you expect. RILM Abstracts of Music Literature. It is a global music research community that represents the full-text articles from over 200 journals. Access them based on the bibliographic records. 5 Useful Search Tips from Our Academic Writers: Search for your topic by using and combining keywords when looking for journal articles in the electronic databases. For example, if you investigate a topic ‘The Development of Music: Top Innovations in the Music Technology’, what keywords you’ll type? Right ‘music technology’, ‘development of music’ and ‘music innovations’. Take advantage of the Advanced Search in the electronic databases. For example, you can specify the publication data as the latest studies are required to be mentioned (the works written within 10 years are more desirable in many colleges than older ones). Find it helpful to look through the sources cited in the article. Depending on the size of your paper, a different number of sources can be used. That’s why you can use some relevant sources from a pattern of references in the article that you can find in the database. Note down the names of journals/titles of articles that you come across during the search. Don’t be lazy to take a pen and write. Otherwise, you risk losing the prominent sources in your field. To make it easy, you can keep records in a computer or electronic devices as most sources are online. Just use a copy/paste option. Use a reference manager to organize your own library of stored papers. You simply download articles on your computer with one button click. Then you can easily to compile the reference list for your research paper with the help of either EndNote, Mendeley or Zotero. Only after all the theoretical material is found and properly analyzed, you can proceed with writing a research paper. Writing the Rough Draft of Your Research Paper It is worth to start with an outline that will show visually what you’re going to speak about. This outline can be expanded gradually turning into a rough draft. The vast majority of academic paper can be broken down into different constituent parts. Let’s see what you should include into your research paper outline: abstract; introduction and thesis statement; methodology; literature review; main body of the paper/argument; conclusion; list of sources. No matter how you prefer to write a paper by hand or typing, try to do it in the following way create some document files marked out according to the part of the research paper you’re working on. If you’re going to work on an introduction, name it â€Å"Introduction† and start dealing with it. Continue working in the same manner with the rest of the parts. After all of them are completed, you can combine them into one document file under the title ‘My Music Research Paper’. Composing a Music Research Paper Step-by-Step The good idea is to get prepared thoroughly in advance. It will give you more chances not to suffer from the writing process. You just need to write about what you gather and analyze. Below you’ll be introduced to the tips on how you should work on each essential part. All the sections are presented in order of importance they are. 8 Parts that Make a Research Paper Well-Structured: How Make Them Full? Thesis statement. You need to have a thesis statement formulated, around which you will go while covering a research topic. Let your readers know how you address the research question(s) in one line long. Without a well-formulated thesis statement, there are little chances to come into contact with the readers. They won’t understand what you will aim at. Literature review. The research process entails the review of what the others have written about the topic under discussion. Starting by writing the review allows you to focus on the existing knowledge about the subject and ways how the research can be conducted. Then, you can base your paper on the others researches just referring to them correctly. The guide at the Writing Center will be helpful to know what you’re required in a literature review. The main body of a research paper. Don’t get confused that you aren’t still given the tips on how to write an introduction. Well, it is logical to write an introduction first. However, start writing with the main points that support your thesis. You’ll be able to slightly change your ideas during writing. So that you won’t do the double work, develop your main part where you need to provide detailed and strong evidence on an issue. Conclusion. After spending much time and energy presenting the points in the main body of the paper, you need to summarize briefly your findings. It is important to have the last word on the subject so vividly as to impress the reader. All the final words must be clearly stated. It is easier to write a conclusion when the main points covered previously are still fresh in your mind. Introduction. After the main points are presented, and the research results are obtained, don’t hesitate to introduce a topic. Eventually, you know all the aspects of a topic that will allow you to orient the reader in the correct direction to grasp the idea of your writing. Methodology. You obviously need to know what methods you’re going to apply in a research paper. But when the main body of a paper is written, feel free to cover what methods help you achieve the results. By doing so, you won’t miss any important point of the research procedure. List of sources. You’re recommended to have the list of sources organized because you’ll work further on the parts where you’ll refer to different information sources. All of them are numbered and written in an alphabetical order. All it takes is referring to a source with the help of a number. Be careful with formatting a bibliography or list of references as your instructor may require you to use   MLA, APA or any other style. Indeed, you can edit it after the writing process, or you can simplify the editing process just forming the correct reference list. Abstract. Not every academic paper requires an abstract. But if you write a long and complex paper, it will be useful to have an abstract. Actually, this part (from 100 to 300 words) is more important than you can think in the beginning ‘Oh ☠¹ One more part I need to write?’ However, an abstract is particularly essential as you need to show the reader a broad overview of your paper. It is the first of the paper to which an instructor pays attention. Don’t write it hastily or carelessly like the other parts as well. Editing a Research Paper Accordingly Thinking, ‘I wrote all the parts, and now Dobby is free?’ You’ll go wrong if you decide to finish doing anything with a paper for example, proofreading and editing according to the style of formatting (APA, MLA, Harvard, etc.) Although you are tempted to simply read your paper or use any online check tool, editing is meant to be a bit more in-depth. Generally speaking, the effective editing process requires that: you reread your research paper carefully; you play the role of a reader rather than a writer; you use strategies to examine your writing. 3 Effective Editing Strategies from Our Experts to Find Some Typical Errors The effective editing process requires that you know the types of errors that are frequently observed in research papers and that you have specific strategies for finding those errors. Be sure that your mind and eyes are fresh to work with a paper again. Read the paper aloud. This way, you can notice some incomplete phrases, sentences. Many students, and not only students, are used to skipping from one point to another. Read the whole paper to fix all possible mistakes in sentence structures. You can try to read the paper by looking at the words from right to left and starting at the bottom of the page. Print the paper out. You’ll be surprised how many typos you’ll find when the printed copy is in hand and in front of your eyes. It doesn’t show that you aren’t a very attentive student. Even qualified touch typists are able to make mistakes. Haven’t ever noticed different typos in books? There are such issues because most workers are used to writing on their computers, edit on them as well. Read the printed pages of your research papers aloud and backwards. Nothing better can be found. Stick to your personal patterns of error. Someone can be good at one field, another can be bad at it and vice versa. So, if you feel some difficulties with punctuation, go through the paper again by focusing on punctuation marks. The rules concerning punctuation marks in English can come in handy. All in all, you’ve already discovered what makes a research paper powerful: a proper structure; meaningful writing of research ideas; the lack of errors. Now, you can start writing your own music research paper by considering all the essential tips on how to write a really good academic paper. Keep healthy and study well!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Most Abundant Protein

The Most Abundant Protein Have you ever wondered what the most abundant protein is? The answer depends on whether you want to know the most common protein in the world, in your body or in a cell. Protein Basics A protein is a polypeptide, a molecular chain of amino acids. Polypeptides are, indeed, the building blocks of your body. And, the most abundant protein in your body is collagen. However, the worlds most abundant protein is RuBisCO, an enzyme that catalyzes the first step in carbon fixation. Most Abundant on Earth RuBisCO, whose full scientific name is ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, according to, is found in plants, algae, cyanobacteria, and certain other bacteria. Carbon fixation is the main chemical reaction responsible for inorganic carbon entering the biosphere. In plants, this is part of photosynthesis, in which carbon dioxide is made into glucose, notes Since every plant uses RuBisCO, it is the most plentiful protein on earth with nearly 90 million pounds produced every second, says, adding that it has four forms: Form I, the most common type is found in plants, algae, and some bacteria.Form II is found in different types of bacteria.Form III is found in some archaea.Form IV is found in some bacteria and archaea. Slow Acting Surprisingly, each individual RuBisCO is not all that efficient, notes PBD-101. The website, whose full name is Protein Data Bank, is coordinated by Rutgers University, the University of California, San Diego, and San Diego State University as a study guide for college students. As enzymes go, it is painfully slow, says PBD-101.  Typical enzymes can process a thousand molecules per second, but RuBisCO fixes only about three carbon dioxide molecules per second. Plant cells compensate for this slow rate by building lots of the enzyme. Chloroplasts are filled with RuBisCO, which comprises half of the protein. This makes RuBisCO the most plentiful single enzyme on the Earth. In the Human Body Around 25 percent to 35 percent of protein in your body is collagen. It is the most common protein in other mammals, too. Collagen forms connective tissue. It is found primarily in fibrous tissue, such as tendons, ligaments, and skin. Collagen is a component of muscle, cartilage, bone, blood vessels, the cornea of your eye, intervertebral discs, and your intestinal tract. Its a little harder to name a single protein as the most common in cells because the composition of cells depends on their function: Actin is a very common protein that is found in all eukaryotic cells.Tubulin is another important and abundant protein used in cellular division among other purposes.Histones, associated with DNA, are present in all cells.Ribosomal proteins are abundant since they are needed to produce other proteins.Red blood cells contain high concentrations of the protein hemoglobin, while muscle cells contain a high level of the protein myosin.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Road to Hell Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Road to Hell Case Study - Essay Example The stiffness could have been because of the seriousness with which Baker spoke that day. He gave it the meaning that Rennalls was struggling with racist attitudes and using the assumption that his (Baker’s) age and experience gave him advantage, concluded that Rennalls needed help. When Renalls did not admit to allegations of racism, Baker concluded that he was either afraid to face the truth or not willing to confess. This caused him to resort to the belief that Europeans would continue holding senior positions in the company and Barracanians remaining at the base if the latter did not learn to get along well with expatriates. After having climbed all these rungs, he climbed the last one of trying to make Renalls admit to charges of racism. His last attempt at trying to show Rennalls the need to face the challenge of racism only served to depict him (Baker) as one who looked down on Barracanians. The differences he drew between Europeans and Barracanians came across as boasting about his

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The pragmatic views of Abraham Lincoln Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

The pragmatic views of Abraham Lincoln - Essay Example Abraham Lincoln has been the most debated, analyzed, and scrutinized President in the history of the United States. He was a complex political genius who carried with him the charm of the average citizen.For this reason, Lincoln has often been misrepresented by anecdotes or attributed writings. While some scholars have argued that Lincoln's views on equality, race, and slavery shifted during the course of his career, this is a simplified look at many of his seemingly ambiguous positions. While in his writings and speeches there are references to a position that would allow some slavery in the antebellum period, his actions and words during the Civil War denounced slavery as a national evil. For Lincoln, these moral compromises were made for political expediency and pragmatism. Lincoln's views on race, slavery, and equality did not change throughout his career, but the shifting political foundations of the country dictated Lincoln's position as he strove to maintain a cohesive Union o f states.There is an ample amount of primary reference material available for the study of Lincoln's political and personal views. The 1946 compilation Abraham Lincoln, His Speeches and Writings edited by Roy P. Basler is one of the more complete sources for this area of study. Carl Sanburg remarks in the preface of the book that, "...Abraham Lincoln, is best to be known by an acquaintance with all that he wrote and said."1 The key to Sandburg's notation is that to know Lincoln we must know all that he wrote and said. ... Early in his career he could see the destructive forces of slavery at work on the new nation. In a speech titled "The Perpetuation of our Political Institutions" addressed to the Young Men's Lyceum in Springfield Illinois on January 27, 1838 Lincoln warns, "If destruction be out lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."2 This statement indicates Lincoln's early inclination to value a united Union that was free, and shows his depth of understanding that a divided Union would lead to self destruction. The speech is a stern lecture on the horrors of lynching slaves and admonishes the reader that respect for the law is the most important attribute in the maintenance of unity. While the speech is clearly aimed at the unconscionable actions taken by the "...pleasure hunting masters of Southern slaves.", it also contains a universal message of equality.3 Lincoln speaks of equality and its association with th e respect for law when he writes, "And, in short, let it become the political religion of the nation; and let the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay, of all sexes and tongues, and colors and conditions, sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars."4 Basler points out that this speech, given when Lincoln was a young man and not yet active outside local politics, has been criticized as being "highly sophomoric".5 Yet, it illustrates Lincoln's core belief that the reverence for law and the moral obligation of equality will need to be shared by all Americans to build a successful future. The inequality of the elitist economic system was addressed in Lincoln's career while running for the General Assembly in Illinois. In an article announcing his